2020 Highlights of Accomplishments

Congratulations to the undergraduate winners of our 2020 McCloskey Awards for the best paper written in History 300.

First prize goes to Cristian Rodriguez for his paper entitled “Nazi Propaganda, Women, and the Role of Motherhood.” Prof. Richard Levy writes: “Mr. Rodriguez’s major project was extraordinarily well done, the result of considerable, well-thought out research. He mined the secondary sources on the subject of women in the Third Reich judiciously and effectively. His analysis of the primary source material, mostly graphic images, was sophisticated. He presented a persuasive, well-supported argument in clear prose.” Congratulations Cristian!

Second prize goes to Andrew Scranton for his “Corporatism and the Estado Novo.” Dr. John Abbott writes: Scranton's “Corporatism and the Estado Novo” offers a masterly account of Catholic corporativist doctrines of the early twentieth century by looking at the António de Oliveira Salazar regime in Portugal. Scranton nicely conveys the ideological appeals of corporativist schemes while also demonstrating their less-than-impressive results over the long years of Salazar's Estado Novo (the "New Republic" of 1933 to 1974). I was impressed by the impressive range of sources consulted by Mr. Scranton, as well as his shrewd historical judgments and (not least) his great skill in telling this story with great concision and clarity. Bravo!” Congratulations Andrew!

Faculty Highlights

October 2020: Professor Robert Johnston was named the recipient of the American Historical Association’s 2020 Eugene Asher Distinguished Teaching Award, which recognizes outstanding teaching and advocacy for history teaching at two-year, four-year, and graduate colleges and universities.

July 2020: Professor Barbara Ransby became UIC’s first MacArthur chair. Chairs are faculty members who are internationally recognized scholars and who “give promise of making a substantial impact” on their department and university.

April 2020: Professor Barbara Ransby was elected to the Society of American Historians in recognition of her distinguished and influential career.

February 2020 : Professor Elizabeth Todd-Breland was awarded this year’s Rising Star Award in Humanities, Arts, Design and Architecture. This is an honor bestowed by the Campus Research Board to early career scholars who are making exceptional progress advancing knowledge in their areas of research and scholarship.

Congratulations, Professors!