Robert Johnston wins grant for NEH Summer Institute
Robert Johnston won a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) for a Summer Institute for K-12 teachers entitled “Rethinking the Gilded Age and Progressive Era,” which will convene at UIC from June 26 to July 22.
Organized by the Chicago Metro History Education Center, University of Illinois at Chicago, and Loyola University Chicago, K-12 teachers can apply for “Rethinking the Gilded Age and Progressivisms: Race, Capitalism, and Democracy, and 1877 to 1920.” NEH Summer Scholars will spend four weeks in Chicago, a center of Progressive Era reform, engaging in vigorous discussions about this critical time period in American history and creating materials to use in their classrooms. We are committed to building a diverse team of participants, reflecting a range of disciplines, grade levels, and regions of the country.
Award-winning historian Robert Johnston (University of Illinois at Chicago) will guide the institute’s academic content, with the help of renowned experts in history, art, and architecture. Charles Tocci (Loyola University Chicago) will direct teaching application discussions, along with master teacher Michael Biondo (Maine South High School).
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