News and Events

Max Gambony and another US Army servicemember standing int their green camo uniforms on a brown, flat landscape with blue sky.

History degree takes Max Gambony far

by Kevin M. Schultz “My history degree set me up perfectly to work in military intelligence,” says Maximillian Gambony (History, ’23).  “I use the same skills here that I learned in all my history…

Lauren, dressed in red cap and gown, smiles while embracing her mother.

Lauren Khanano wins the 2024 Davee Scholarship

  “Growing up, I never liked history,” says Lauren Khanano, a first-year History major.  For Lauren, hating history made good sense. Khanano’s family are Syrian war refugees, part of the Assyrian minority in…

From left to right: Prof. Kevin Schultz distributes awards recognizing students for excellent work at the History Department Pizzanomenon as Prof. Jonathan Connolly looks on. Prof. Lynn Hudson lectures on the history of segregated swimming at UIC's Insitute for the Humanities. Prof. Sunil Agnani speaks at the

Fall '24 in Review - One for the History Books

The Department of History at UIC had an exceptional Fall 2024 semester, with faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates earning significant recognition across multiple areas of scholarship and public engagement. Publications Prof. John Balserak…

UIC 2024 academic decathlon judges

Spring 2024 List of Accomplishments

Faculty Accomplishments Ralph Keen won the 2023 Distinguished Teaching Award from the American Catholic Historical Association. Malgorzata Fidelis’s 2022 book, Imagining the World from Behind the Iron Curtain: Youth and the Global Sixties…

Student accepts award

Congrats award winners

The Department of History held its annual Gilbert Osofsky Lecture and Ceremony on Wednesday, April 24 before one hundred some-odd guests in the Cardinal Room of Student Center East.  Barnard College’s Premilla Nadasen…

Premilla Nadasen

Premilla Nadasen speaking at annual end-of-year celebration

We’re delighted to invite you to this year’s Gilbert Osofsky Lecture, the Department of History’s annual end-of-year celebration, held on Wednesday, April 24 at 2:00 p.m.  This year, in addition to welcoming friends…

Keynote speaker Dr. Tikia K. Hamilton with UIC students and faculty

Grad Student Conference a Success

The UIC Department of History’s newly revived Graduate Student History Conference took place on Saturday, March 9, featuring conferees from all over the country on a delightfully wide range of topics.  Katy Evans,…