News and Events

Daly & cover of new book

Jonathan Daly releases new book on Russian Revolution

The UIC History Department congratulates Professor Jonathan Daly for releasing a new book, Seven Myths of the Russian Revolution (Indianapolis, Indiana: Hackett, 2023), co-authored with Leonid Trofimov. As one of reviewer explained: “The…

Text on background of Black & White composition notebook:

UIC Celebrates Black History Month

Several History faculty and students are participating in UIC’s celebration of Black History Month. There are several events throughout February. The Department is also co-sponsoring UIC’s Douglass Day, an annual program that marks…


Fall 2022 Highlights of Accomplishments

Student Accomplishments Graduate Student Noah Glaser successfully defended his dissertation, “Age of Regeneration: Capitalism and the French Intervention in Mexico (1861-1867).” Undergraduate student Becca Gleason won the Deirdre N. McCloskey Prize for the…


Elizabeth Todd-Breland named OAH Distinguished Lecturer

The UIC Department of History would like to extend the warmest congratulations to our colleague, Elizabeth Todd-Breland, for being named a Distinguished Lecturer by the Organization of American Historians. Elizabeth is Associate Professor…

Ivón Padilla-Rodríguez

Ivón Padilla-Rodríguez wins two prestigious dissertation awards

Bridge to Faculty Postdoctoral Research Associate, Ivón Padilla-Rodríguez, won two prestigious dissertation awards in 2022. Columbia University recently awarded her the prestigious 2022 Bancroft Dissertation Award. She was also won the Outstanding Dissertation Award…


Osofsky Lecture and Spring 2022 Accomplishments

The UIC Department of History hosted its annual Gilbert Osofsky Lecture on Tuesday April 27, 2022. In addition to relishing in the company of great friends and colleagues, this event is an opportunity…