Dissertations and Placements, 1972-Today
Where Do Our Historians Work? Database for the Departmental PhD Careers Heading link
This graph is categorized into broad sectors of work from 76 historians who have graduated between 2004 and 2019 from a Ph.D. program from the Department of History at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
This information provides a great insight into Ph.D. careers as historians. It is our hope that this visual will provide more information and a clearer picture of where a Ph.D. career can lead you.
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**Both Non-Tenure-Track and Tenure-Track categories include 2-year and 4-year schools**
PhDs and placements, 1972-Present Heading link
PhDs Awarded 2024
Joshua Hoxmeier, “Reconstructing Siege Mentality: The History of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska since 1960″
Dissertation Advisor: Kevin M. Schultz
Placement: visiting assistant professor, Utah Valley University
Frankee Lyons, “Jewish Belonging on the ‘Polish Road to Socialism:’ Migration and the Remaking of Polish Jewry, 1956-1960″
Dissertation Advisors: Gosia Fidelis and Keely Stauter-Halsted
Placement: Fulbright US Scholar Postdoctoral Fellowship, Haifa University
Dylan Shearer, “Fighting to Remember: Race, Gender, and Patriotism in Memories of American Labor Conflicts, 1886-1919″
Dissertation Advisor: Lynn Hudson
Placement: TBD
PhDs Awarded 2023
Kimberly Beaudreau, “Economic Migrant or Refugee?: Externalizing American Refugee and Asylum Policy, 1975-2000″
Dissertation Advisor: Adam Goodman
Placement: consultant at OXYGY
Ismael Biyashev, “Beyond Myths and Ruins: Archaeology and Nomadism in the Russian Empire and the Early USSR 1850-1920s”
Dissertation Advisor: Marina Mogilner
Placement: Senior Fellow, University of Michigan Society of Fellows
Caterina Scalvedi, “An Empire of Possibilities: Education in Fascist Italy’s African Colonies, 1922-1943”
Dissertation Advisor: Kirk Hoppe
Placement: Visiting Assistant Professor in Modern European History, Wake Forest University
Sohini Majumdar, “Boundaries and Belongings: Muslim Migration, Homelands, and Subjectivities in Bengal, 1945-1970”
Dissertation Advisor: Rama Mantena
Placement: Adjunct Lecturer in History, University of Illinois Chicago
Zukhra Kasimova, “Hybridizing Sovietness, Modernity, Nationality, and Provinciality in Uzbekistan, 1941–1984”
Dissertation Advisor: Marina Mogilner
Placement: Assistant Professor of Eurasian History, Bucknell University
PhDs Awarded 2022
Melissa Hibbard, “Children of the Polish Republic: Child Health, Welfare, and the Shaping of Modern Poland, 1915-1939”
Dissertation Advisor: Keely Stauter-Halsted
Placement: Interpretive Historian, Montana Historical Society
Tiffany Wilson Keesey, “Modernities and Everyday Life in a Silesian Borderland: American Giesche and Silesians Between the Wars”
Dissertation Advisor: Keely Stauter-Halsted
Placement: TBD
Noah Glaser, “The Age of Regeneration: Capitalism and the French Intervention in Mexico (1861-1867)
Dissertation Advisor: Joaquín Chavez
Placement: TBD
PhDs Awarded 2021
Caleb Hardner, “Infectious Intruders, Helpless Hawaiians: Public Health and Race Making in Colonial Hawai’i, 1887-1917″
Dissertation Advisor: Kevin M. Schultz
Placement: teacher, Newport Academy, California
Christopher Anderson, “ The Church in the Wildwood: An Environmental History of Outdoor Ministry, 1945-1980″
Dissertation Advisor: Kevin M. Schultz
Placement: Student Sustainability Program Director, UIC
Huiying Chen, “On The Road in Eighteenth-Century China”
Dissertation Advisor: Laura Hostetler
Placement: Assistant Professor of History, Purdue University
Libby Hearne, “Reframing Cure: Sexual Violence, Mental Health, and Feminist Activism, 1971-1997″
Dissertation Advisor: Robert Johnston
Placement: Lecturer, Texas A and M University
PhDs Awarded 2020
Jeffrey Schuhrke, “Modernizing the Global Working Class: U.S. Labor and Third World Development in the Cold War”
Dissertation Advisor: Leon Fink
Placement: Assistant Professor of History, SUNY Empire State
Eliot Fackler, “Domesticating the Country: Indigenous Power and Colonialism in the Black Swamp of the Old Northwest”
Dissertation Advisor: Robert Johnston
Placement: Assistant Professor of History, Governors State University, Illinois
Laurie Perlini, “The Church of Sant’Adriano: An Example of Multi-Cultural Hybridity in Calabria”
Dissertation Advisor: Ralph Keen
Placement: adjunct instructor, Columbia College, Chicago
PhDs Awarded 2019
Jennifer Ash, “Invincible, Not Invisible: Black Women and Resistance at Black Colleges, 1957-2018”
Dissertation Advisor: Barbara Ransby
Placement: Associate Director, National Women’s Studies Association, and entrepreneur
Adam Mertz, “Growing Realignment: Land, Labor, Taxes, and the Decline of Wisconsin’s Democratic Majority”
Dissertation Advisor: Leon Fink
Placement: history teacher, Oconto Falls High School, Wisconsin
Ian Thomas Darnell, “Queering Decline: Sexuality, Race, and Transformation in Twentieth-Century St. Louis”
Dissertation Advisor: Jennifer Brier
Placement: Curatorial Assistant for LGBTQIA+ Collections at the Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, Missouri
Manamee Guha, “Performing Britishness: The Emergence of British Colonial Club Culture in Colonial Calcutta”
Dissertation Advisor: Rama Mantena
Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of History, Fort Hays State University, Kansas
PhDs Awarded 2018
Maria Ritzema, “Ethno-Nationalism and Political Policy: Marginalization of Sri Lanka Minority Narratives, 1948-1977”
Dissertation Advisor: Rama Mantena
Placement: Chair and Associate Professor of History, College of DuPage (two-year community college), Illinois
Heather R. Wilpone-Welborn, “Revenue Revealed: A Race and Class Analysis of Federal Taxation, 1861-1877”
Dissertation Advisor: Jeffrey Sklansky
Placement: Manager for Commencement and Communications under the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Towson University, Maryland
Alex Crawley, “Method in His Madness: Enacting Male Normativity in Holloway Sanatorium for Insane, 1880-1910”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Johnston
Placement: Developmental Editor, Ideas on Fire Press
PhDs Awarded 2017
Michal Wilczewski, “Broken Land: Everyday Life and the Reconstruction of the Polish Countryside, 1914-1939”
Dissertation Advisor: Keely Stauter-Halsted
Placement: Assistant Professor of Instruction, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Northwestern University
Nicholas J. McCormick, “Windows into the Wild: Natural History Exhibition and Museum Education in Chicago, 1890-1940”
Dissertation Adviser: Perry Duis
Placement: full-time non-tenure track adjunct lecturer at several Chicago-area institutions
Christopher C. Wright, “Down But Not Out: The Unemployed in Chicago During the Great Depression”
Dissertation Adviser: Leon Fink
Placement: Adjunct lecturer at several New York City institutions
PhDs Awarded 2016
Peter B. Strickland, “Delegates to Marchers: Gender, Empire, and Popular Politics in the Forging of Ulster Unionism, 1892-1912”
Dissertation Adviser: James Sack
Placement: History teacher, North Shore Country Day College Preparatory School, Winnetka, Illinois
Thomas E. Alter II, “Dirt Farmer Internationalists: The Meitzen Family, Three Generations of Farmer-Labor Radicals, 1848-1932”
Dissertation Adviser, Robert Johnston
Placement: Assistant Professor of History, Texas State University
James V. Mestaz, “Fuerte River Histories and Ambivalent Mayo Modernity in Mexico, 1926-70”
Dissertation Adviser: Christopher Boyer
Placement: Assistant Professor, Sonoma State University, California
Benjamin L. Peterson, “Building the Service Employees International Union: Janitors & Chicago Politics, 1911-68”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Johnston
Placement: Visiting Assistant Professor of History, Alma College, Michigan
PhDs Awarded 2015
Jochen Arndt, “Missionaries, Africans and the Emergence of Xhosa and Zulu as Distinct Languages in South Africa, 1800-54”
Dissertation Adviser: Kirk Hoppe
Placement: Associate Professor of History, Virginia Military Institute
Adrienne Phelps Coco, “Five Lives of Mollie Fancher: 19th Century Curiosity, Clairvoyant, Hysteric, Care Recipient, Invalid”
Dissertation Adviser: Susan Levine
Placement: Director of Faculty Development, Division of Continuing Education, Harvard University, Massachusetts
PhDs Awarded 2014
Wayne Ratzlaff, “Carl McIntire, the American Council of Christian Churches, and the Politics of Protestant Fundamentalism”
Dissertation Adviser: Rick Fried
Placement: History teacher, Brightmont Academy in Mendota Heights, Minnesota and adjunct lecture at various area institutions
Thomas F. Dorrance, “A New Deal every day: Civic Authority and Federal Policy in Chicago and Los Angeles, 1930-1940”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Johnston
Placement: History teacher at The Nueva School, a private high school in San Mateo, California
John J. Rosen, “Guardians of the Black Working Class: Labor and Racial Politics in Postwar San Francisco”
Dissertation Adviser: Leon Fink
Placement: Tenured Coordinator (Chair) of History, Las Positas Community College, Livermore, California
Jenna Nigro, “Colonial Logics: Agricultural, Commercial, & Moral Experiments in the Making of French Senegal, 1763-1870”
Dissertation Adviser: Kirk Hoppe
Placement: Associate Professor of History, Utah Valley University
Cory A. Davis, “A Merchant’s Republic: The National Board of Trade and Commercial Capitalism in the U.S., 1840-1912”
Dissertation Adviser: Leon Fink
Placement: Permanent Lecturer, UIC Department of History and UIC Global
Julie A. Fountain, “Modern Jobs for Modern Women: Female Military Service in Britain, 1945-62”
Dissertation Adviser: Ina Zweiniger-Bargielowska
Placement: Placement Officer at Dublin City (Ireland) Volunteer Centre, an NGO promoting volunteering and the voluntary sector as part of a national network
William Chlumsky, “Setting Bounds to Passions: Federalist Communication Policy and the Making of the Sedition Act of 1798”
Dissertation Adviser: Michael Perman
Placement: Special Education Teacher, Case Manager, Talman School, Chicago Public Schools
PhDs Awarded 2013
Amy C. Sullivan, “What Fear is Like: The Legacy of Trauma, Safety, and Security after the 1977 Girl Scout Murders”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Johnston
Placement: Visiting Assistant Professor, Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota
Karen J. Johnson, “The Universal Church in the Segregated City: Doing Catholic Interracialism in Chicago, 1915-1963”
Dissertation Adviser: Kevin M. Schultz
Placement: Chair and Associate Professor of History, Wheaton College, Illinois
Michal Kwiecien, “Communism, Nationalism, and Identity in a Polish-German Borderland, 1945-1950”
Dissertation Adviser: Gosia Fidelis
Placement: History teacher at Whitfield School, Creve Coeur, Missouri
Anne E. Parsons, “Re-Institutionalizing America: The Politics of Mental Health and Incarceration, 1945-1985”
Dissertation Adviser: Leon Fink
Placement: Associate Professor and Director of Public History, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Daniel Harper, “In the Shadow of Antitrust: Competition Policy and the Coal Trade of Toronto and Chicago, 1888-1940”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Johnston
Placement: UIC Library Special Collections Assistant Archivist and Lecturer
PhDs Awarded 2012
Catherine O. Jacquet, “Responding to Rape: Contesting the Meanings of Sexual Violence in the United States, 1950-1980”
Dissertation Adviser: John D’Emilio
Placement: Associate Professor, History and Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Louisiana State University
Stephanie L. Opperman (nee Baker), “Salud Colectiva: The Role of Public Health Campaigns in Building a Modern Mexican Nation, 1940s-1960s”
Dissertation Adviser: Christopher Boyer
Placement: Associate Professor of History, Georgia College and State University
Michael J. Goode, “Gospel Order among Friends: Colonial Violence and the Peace Testimony in Quaker Pennsylvania, 1681-1722”
Dissertation Adviser: James Sack
Placement: Chair and Associate Professor of History, Utah Valley University
Lara L. Kelland, “Clio’s Foot Soldiers: Twentieth-Century U.S. Social Movements and the Uses of Collective Memory”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Johnston
Placement: E. Desmond Lee Endowed Professor in Museum Studies and Community History, University of Missouri, St. Louis
PhDs Awarded 2011
Katie Batza, “Before AIDS: Gay and Lesbian Community Health in the 1970s”
Dissertation Adviser: John D’Emilio
Placement: Associate Professor and Chair of the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department, University of Kansas
Emily E. LB. Twarog, “Beyond the Strike Kitchen: Housewives and Domestic Politics, 1935-1973”
Dissertation Adviser: Susan Levine
Placement: Associate Professor and Director of the Regina V. Polk Women’s Labor Leadership Conference, University of Illinois
James G. Mendez, “A Great Sacrifice: Northern Black Families and Their Civil War Experiences”
Dissertation Adviser: Michael Perman
Placement: Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Assistant Professor in Department of Medical Education at Loyola University Chicago
Allison O. Malcolm, “Anti-Catholicism and the Rise of Protestant Nationhood in North America, 1830-1871”
Dissertation Adviser: Leon Fink
Placement: award-winning adjunct instructor of History at Carroll University in Waukesha, Wisconsin
PhDs Awarded 2010
Aaron M. Berkowitz, “Mr. Khrushchev Goes to Washington: Domestic Opposition to Nikita Khrushchev’s 1959 Visit to America”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard Fried and Eric Arnesen
Placement: Professor, Lincoln Land Community College, Springfield, Illinois
Hiroshi Maeda, “Hospital Patients and Institutional Inmates in Chicago, 1880-1930”
Dissertation Adviser: Daniel Smith
Lauren H. Braun-Strumfels, “Italians, the Labor Problem, and the Project in Agricultural Colonization in the New South, 1884-1934”
Dissertation Adviser: Michael Perman
Placement: Associate Professor, Raritan Valley Community College
Sarah M. Goldberger, “Repatriating Yorktown: The Politics of Revolutionary Memory and Reunion”
Dissertation Adviser: Michael Perman
Neici M. Zeller, “The Appearance of All, the Reality of Nothing: Politics and Gender in the Dominican Republic, 1880-1961”
Dissertation Adviser: Bruce Calder
Placement: Associate Professor, William Paterson University
PhDs Awarded 2009
Joseph Lapsley, “Rethinking Sex and Gender: The Intellectual Upheavals of the Sexual Revolution”
Dissertation Adviser: John D’Emilio
Sam Mitrani, “Order in the Metropolis: The Origins of the Chicago Police Department, 1850-1890”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard John
Placement: Professor, College of DuPage
Matthew T. Popovich, “Boundaries of Progress: The Politics of Urban Annexation and Anti-Annexation, 1870-1930”
Dissertation Adviser: Perry Duis
John Reda, “Joining The Union: Land, Race, and Sovereignty in the Illinois Country, 1763-1825”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard John
Rhoda Rosen, “Mapping Dystopia: Maps, Museums and the Nation”
Dissertation Adviser: Laura Hostetler
Placement: Executive Director, Red Line Service and Associate Professor, adjunct, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Matthew D. Rothwell, “Transpacific Revolutionaries: The Chinese Revolution in Latin America”
Dissertation Adviser: Christopher Boyer
PhDs Awarded 2008
Jeffery Helgeson, “Striving in Black Chicago: Migration, Work and the Politics of Neighborhood Change, 1935-1965”
Dissertation Adviser: Eric Arnesen
Placement: Associate Professor and Chair, Texas State University
Robert E. Hunter, “Fingers on the Button: American Atomic Policy in Mainstream File, Radio, and Television, 1945-1960”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard Fried
Ted Aranda, “Democracy and Revolution: The Athenian Political System and the Anglo-American Constitutional Struggle”
Dissertation Adviser: James Sack
Sarah F. Rose, “No Right to be Idle: The Invention of Disability, 1850-1930”
Dissertation Adviser: Susan Levine
Placement: Associate Professor, University of Texas, Arlington
Joshua A.T. Salzmann, “Safe Harbor: Chicago’s Waterfront and the Political Economy of the Built Environment, 1847-1918”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard John
Placement: Associate Professor, Northeastern Illinois University
Gloria-Yvonne Williams, “A Passion for Social Equality: Mary McLeod Bethune’s Race Woman Leadership and the New Deal”
Dissertation Advisers: M. Strobel and Barbara Ransby
Elizabeth A. Collins, “Red-baiting Public Women: Gender, Loyalty, and Red Scare Politics”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard Fried
Placement: Professor, Triton Community College
PhDs Awarded 2007
Eric R. Smith, “Anti-Fascism, The United Front, and Spanish Republican Aid in the United States, 1936-1940”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard Fried
Raymond A. Lohne, “Founded at the Bier of Lincoln: A History of the Germania Club of Chicago, 1865-1986”
Dissertation Adviser: Perry Duis
Sean J. Harris, “Found Insane in ‘The Holy Land’: Psychiatry and the African American Experience in Illinois, 1870-1910”
Dissertation Adviser: Leo Schelbert
PhDs Awarded 2006
James Kollenbroich, “Our Hour Has Come: The Homosexual Rights Movement in the Weimar Republic”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard Levy
Josephine Faulk, “Bishop Fulbert of Chartres (1006-1028): A Political Biography”
Dissertation Adviser: Steven Fanning
Aly Drame, “Planting the Seeds of Islam: Karantaba, A Mandinka Muslim Center in the Casamance, Senegal”
Dissertation Adviser: James Searing
Annette R. Chapman-Adisho, “Patriotic Priests: Constitutional Clery in the Department of the Cote d’Or during the French Revolution”
Dissertation Adviser: David Jordan
Peter Ufland, “The Politics of Race in the Midwest, 1864-1890”
Dissertation Adviser: Michael Perman
John M. Rinehart, “The Making of a Christian Statesman: Woodrow Wilson’s Religious Thought and Practice, 1856-1910”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Messer
Amy C. Schneidhorst, “It Wasn’t Just the Young: Mature Women’s Fight for Peace and Justice in Chicago During the Sixties”
Dissertation Adviser: John D’Emilio
PhDs Awarded 2005
Cheryl R. Ganz, “A New Deal for Progress: The 1933 Chicago World’s Fair”
Dissertation Adviser: Perry Duis
Keith R. Green, “A Fairy Tale World: The Myth of Childhood in Imperial Germany”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard Levy
Michael W. Johnson, “Imperial Commission or Orthodox Mission: Nikolai Il’minskii’s Work Among the Tartars of Kazan, 1862-1891”
Dissertation Adviser: James Cracraft
Scott V. Lingenfelter, “Tradition & Modernity: Sergei Bulgakov’s Quest for a Christian Civil Society in Late Imperial Russia”
Dissertation Adviser: James Cracraft
David W. Veenstra, “The Civil Presidency: Gerald R. Ford and the Politics of Renewal”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard Fried
PhDs Awarded 2004
Carla Burnett, “Are We Slaves or Free Men?: Labor, Race, Garveyism, and the 1920 Panama Canal Strike”
Dissertation Adviser: Bruce Calder
Gwen Hoerr Jordan, “Creating A Women’s Legal Culture: Women Lawyers in Illinois, 1855-1939”
Dissertation Adviser: Eric Arnesen
Marek Suszko, “The Zielona Gora Region, 1945-1956. A Communist Dumping Ground”
Dissertation Adviser: John Kulczycki
Leonid T. Trofimov, “The Soviet Media at the Onset of the Cold War, 1945-1950”
Dissertation Adviser: Jonathan Daly
Adrian S. Capehart, “The Migration of Africans to the United States since 1960: Contexts, Responses, and Communities”
Dissertation Adviser: Leo Schelbert
Karl E. Wood, “Spa Culture and the Social History of Medicine in Germany”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard Levy
Nancy L. Turpin, “The Blue Ticket: Local Response to State Nationalism at the 1900 Paris Universal Exposition”
Dissertation Adviser: David Jordan
PhDs Awarded 2003
Justin P. Coffey, “Spiro Agnew and the Suburbanization of American Politics, 1918-1968”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard Fried
Ralph Ashby, “Napoleon and the Defenders of France”
Dissertation Adviser: David Jordan
Robert P. Arnoldt, “After the War: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Vietnam Veteran in American Society”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Messer
Pamela L. Baker, “The National Road and the Promise of Improvement, 1802-1850”
Dissertation Adviser: Daniel Scott Smith
Eva Becsei Kilborn, “Going Against the Grain: Francis Peyton Rous (1876-1970) and the Search for the Cancer Virus”
Dissertation Adviser: Leo Schelbert
PhDs Awarded 2002
Ana Maria Kapelusz-Poppi, “Provincial Intellectuals from Michoacan and the Professionalization of the Post-Revolutionary Mexican State”
Dissertation Adviser: Mary Kay Vaughan
Steven McNeel, “Behold the Temple of Janus Shut in this Western World: Colonel Henri Bouquet Frontier Office, 1756-1765”
Dissertation Adviser: Leo Schelbert
Edward J.Behrend-Martinez, “‘She Wanted To Be Her Own Master’: Women’s Suits Against Impotent and Abusive Husbands in a Spanish Church Court 1650-1750”
Dissertation Adviser: Renato Barahona
Lawrence Eldridge, “Chronicles of a Two-Front War: The African-American Press and the Vietnam War”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Messer
Larry Lee Baker, Jr., “Politics, Privilege, and Political Culture: Dijon During the French Revolution”
Dissertation Adviser: David Jordan
Barbara L. Dobschuetz, “Fundamentalism and American Urban Culture: Community and Religious Identity in Dwight L. Moody’s Chicago, 1864-1914”
Dissertation Advisers: Leo Schelbert & Rima Schultz
Paul B. Siegel, “Uptown Chicago: The Origins and Emergence of a Movement Against Displacement, 1947-1972”
Dissertation Adviser: Eric Arnesen
PhDs Awarded 2001
John F. Lyons, “The Chicago Teachers’ Union, Politics and the City’s Schools, 1937-1970″
Dissertation Adviser: Eric Arnesen
Anthony R. Maravillas, “Nixon in the Fifties”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard Fried
Jason C. Digman, “Which Way to the Promised Land? Changing Patterns in Southern Migration, 1865-1920″
Dissertation Adviser: Eric Arnesen
Stanley Rose, “Urbanization in Seventeenth-Century Ghana”
Dissertation Adviser: James Searing
Sean J. Labat, “Creating Consensus: Chicago and the United States Foreign Relations During The Early Cold War, 1945-1950”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Messer
Christopher J. Young, “Contests of Opinion: The Public Sphere in Post-Revolutionary America”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard John
PhDs Awarded 2000
Raymond M. Brod, “Maps as Weapons in the Conquest of Old American Northwest 1608 to 1829″
Dissertation Adviser: Gerald Danzer
John C. Kinney, “Alcoholic Inebriety: A Study of Its Perceived Nature, Causation, and Treatment in America, 1857-1914″
Dissertation Adviser: Perry Duis
John Menet, “Aviation and the American Imagination During World War II”
Dissertation Adviser: Perry Duis
John Abbott, “Peasants in the Rural Public: The Bavarian Bauernbund, 1893-1933”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard Levy
Maria Teresa Fernandez-Aceves, “The Political Mobilization of Women in Revolutionary Guadalajara, 1910-1940”
Dissertation Adviser: Mary Kay Vaughan
Frederic M. Kopp, “Rocking the Federal Republic: Rebellious Youth and Music in West Germany, 1945-1990″
Dissertation Adviser: Richard Levy
Cadence A. Wynter, “Jamaican Labor Migration to Cuba, 1885-1930 in the Caribbean Context”
Dissertation Adviser: Bruce Calder
PhDs Awarded 1999
Salvador Camacho, “The Modernization of Education and Science in Mexico 1982-1995: The Case of Aguascalientes”
Dissertation Adviser: Mary Kay Vaughan
Ben A. Harshman, “Toward A Commercial Society”
Dissertation Adviser: James Sack
Wendy Plotkin, “Deeds of Mistrust: Race, Housing, and Restrictive Covenants in Chicago, 1900-1953”
Dissertation Adviser: Perry Duis
Arthur Christian Repp, “In Search of an Orthodox Way: The Development of Biblical Studies in Late Imperial Russia”
Dissertation Adviser: James Cracraft
Stephen A. Brown, “When Middle-Class Ambition Met Southern Honor: A Cultural History of the Leo Frank Case”
Dissertation Adviser: Burton Bledstein
Brian Moran, “Prison Reform in the United States Navy and the Dominican Republic: The Military Occupation and Prisons, 1900-1930”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Messer
John L. Glover, “The Hope in this World and the Next: Maam Cerno and the Settlement of Darou Mousty, 1912-1947”
Dissertation Adviser: James Searing
PhDs Awarded 1998
Nicholas S. Ceh, “United States-Yugoslav Relations During the Early Cold War, l945-l957”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Messer
Thomas H. Cornman, “Securing a Faithful Ministry: Struggles of Ethnicity and Religious Epistemology in Colonial American Presbyterianism”
Dissertation Advisers: A. G. Roeber and Leo Schelbert
Tadeusz Debski, “A Battlefield of Ideas: Nazi Concentration Camps and Their Polish Prisoners”
Dissertation Advisers: Richard Levy and John Kulczycki
James Kollros, “Creating a Steel Workers Union in the Calumet Region, 1933 to 1945”
Dissertation Adviser: P. d’A. Jones
Virgil Krapauskas, “Lithuanian Historiography: A Search for National Identity from Daukanta to 1904”
Dissertation Adviser: John Kulczycki
John Morello, “Candidates, Consumers, and Closers: Albert Lasker, Advertising and Politics: 1900-1920”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard Jensen
Jacqueline H. Wolf, “Discarding Nature’s Plan: A Social History of Infant Feeding in Chicago, 1892-1938”
Dissertation Adviser: Perry Duis
PhDs Awarded 1997
Paul A. Buelow, “The Dispensary Comes to Chicago: Health Care and the Poor Before 1920”
Dissertation Adviser: Perry Duis
Robin Carre, “The Decline of the Imperial Republic: Colonial Discourse and the Crisis of Liberalism in Interwar France”
Dissertation Adviser: William Hoisington
L. Mara Dodge, “Her Life has Been an Improper One: Women, Crime, and Prisons in Illinois, 1935-1933”
Dissertation Adviser: Leo Schelbert/Margeret Strobel
Thomas K. Murphy, “The Evolving Image of America in Europe: 1780-1850”
Dissertation Advisers: Stanley Mellon and David Jordan
Margaret Power, “Right Wing Women and Chilean Politics: 1964-1973”
Dissertation Adviser: Mary Kay Vaughan
Pamela Smith-Iowa, “Great Things are to be Expected: A Look at European Ideas on Indigenous Medicine in Benin, Nigeria”
Dissertation Adviser: James Searing
Phyllis L. Soybel, “The Necessary Relationship: The Development of Anglo-American Cooperation in Naval Intelligence, 1939-1943”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Messer
William B. Whisenhunt, “Mikhail M. Speranskii and the Development of Law in Russia, 1826-1833”
Dissertation Adviser: James Cracraft
PhDs Awarded 1996
George S. Pabis, “Restraining the Muddy Waters: Engineers and Mississippi River Flood Control, 1846-1881”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard John
Septimus Paul, “Anglo-American Cooperation and the Development of the British Atomic Bomb, 1941-52”
Dissertation Adviser: Bentley Gilbert
Padma I. Rangaswamy, “The Imperatives of Choice and Change: Post-1965 Immigrants from India in Metropolitan Chicago”
Dissertation Adviser: Leo Schelbert
Gregory L. Schneider, “The Other Sixties: The Young Americans for Freedom and the Politics of Conservatism”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard Fried
Richard A. Stacewicz, “Winter Soldiers” An Oral History of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Messer
Mary Todd, “Not in God’s Lifetime”: The Question of the Ordination of Women in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod”
Dissertation Adviser: A. Gregg Roeber
PhDs Awarded 1995
Maladho Siddy Balde, “The History of Fuuta-Jallon in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century According to the Griots and the Elders”
Dissertation Advisers: Lansine Kaba and James SearingMichael Doorley, “The Friends of Irish Freedom: A Study of an Irish-American Diaspora Nationalism”
Dissertation Adviser: Leo Schelbert
PhDs Awarded 1994
David R. M. Beck, “Siege and Survival: Menominee Responses To An Encroaching World”
Dissertation Adviser: Leo Schelbert
Karen Friedman, “German/Lithuanian Collaboration in the Final Solution 1941-1944”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard Levy
Joy M. Kammerling, “Andreas Osiander and the Jews of Nuremberg: A Reformation Pastor and Jewish Toleration in Sixteenth-Century Germany”
Dissertation Adviser: George Huppert
Andre Partykevich, “My Prayer Went Unanswered”: Oleksander Lototsky and Ukrainian Autocephaly, 1917-1939″
Dissertation Adviser: James Cracraft
Thomas S. Price, “Palmettos and Property: Historical Memory and Political Culture in Early National South Carolina”
Dissertation Adviser: Michael Perman
David Vervaet, “From Assimilation to Independence: The Evolue(e) Novelists and the Recovery of Algerian Identity, 1939-1962”
Dissertation Adviser: William Hoisington
PhDs Awarded 1993
Cynthia K. Kosso, “Public Policy and Agricultural Practices: An Archaeological and Literary Study of Late Roman and Greece”
Dissertation Adviser: J. Davis (Classics)
Louis B. Kuppenheimer, “Albert Gallatin’s Vision of Democratic Stability: An Interpretive Profile”
Dissertation Adviser: Leo Schelbert
Neal R. McCrillis, “The Conservative Party in the Age of Universal Suffrage: Popular Conservatism, 1918-1929”
Dissertation Adviser: Bentley Gilbert
Michaela Tomaschewsky, “Malwida von Meysenbug and the Cult of Humanism”
Dissertation Adviser: Marion Miller
PhDs Awarded 1992
Eugene Beiriger, “Churchill in the Ministry of Munitions: An Experiment in Government Industrial Policy”
Dissertation Adviser: Bentley Gilbert
Edward Berggren, “Under the Sign of Enlightenment: Varieties of Reading Rousseau’s Pedagogical Texts”
Dissertation Adviser: David Jordan
Clinton E. Stockwell, “A Better Class of People: Protestants in the Shaping of Early Chicago, 1833-1873”
Dissertation Adviser: Melvin Holli
PhDs Awarded 1991
Shirley Burton, “Obscenity in Victorian Chicago: Prosecution in the Federal Court for the Northern District of Illinois, 1873-1913”
Dissertation Adviser: Leo Schelbert
Thekla Caldwell, “Women, Men, and Revival: Gender in the Third Awakening”
Dissertation Adviser: Daniel Scott Smith
PhDs Awarded 1990
Andrew A. Wiest, “The Dominance of the Flanders Coast in British Strategic Planning in World War I”
Dissertation Adviser: Bentley Gilbert
Jared Clark, “Industry, Society, and Policies in the Ruhr: National Liberalism in Dortmund, 1848-1913″
Dissertation Adviser: Richard Levy
David Goodlett, “Proletarians on the Merry-Go-Round: The Yugoslav Press and Official Policy on Workers Emigration, 1963-1973”
Dissertation Adviser: Edward Thaden
Steven McNeel, “Behold the Temple of Janus Shut in this Western World: Colonel Henri Bouquet Frontier Office, 1756-1765”
Dissertation Adviser: Leo Schelbert
Claiborne Skinner, “The Sinews of Empire: The Voyageurs and the Carrying Trade of the Pays d’en Haut, 1681-1754”
Dissertation Adviser: Leo Schelbert
PhDs Awarded 1989
Douglas Bukowski, “According to Image: William Hale Thompson and tile Politics of Chicago, 1915-1931”
Dissertation Adviser: Melvin Holli
Andrew R. Sarvis, “The Krefeld Silk Entrepreneurs: A Study in Bourgeois Solidarity”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard Levy
PhDs Awarded 1988
James E. Jennings, “Aeginetan Trade 650-457 B.C.: A Re-Examination”
Dissertation Adviser: R. Legon
PhDs Awarded 1987
Donald J. McKay, “Soviet Jewish Emigration to Chicago, 1970-1980”
Dissertation Adviser: Edward Thaden
James C. Mott, “Change and Continuity in American Voting Behavior, 1948-1952”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard Jensen
Gersham Nelson, “The Origin and Development of the Jamaican Peasants and Working Class, 1838-1979”
Dissertation Adviser: Bruce Calder
Gary K. Pranger, “Philip Schaff (1819-1893): Portrait of an Immigrant Theologian”
Dissertation Adviser: Leo Schelbert
Wayne P. Schaefer, “Education in Morocco to Libya, 1925-1945”
Dissertation Adviser: William Hoisington
Marian J. Rubchak, “A Wellspring of Ukrainian National Consciousness: The Formation of the Lviv Stavropgyria Brotherhood, 1585-1632”
Dissertation Adviser: James Cracraft
PhDs Awarded 1986
Janine C. Hartman, “The Politics of Decadence: The Social and Political Ideas of Sade, Gautier, Baudelaire, and Flaubert, 1789-1871”
Dissertation Adviser: Stanley Mellon
Robert N. Narty, “From Slave to Servical: Labor in the Plantation Economy of Sao Teme and Principe”
Dissertation Adviser: I. Sundiata
Rita M. Rhodes, “Women and the Family in Post-Famine Ireland: Status and Opportunity in a Patriarchal Society”
Dissertation Advisers: Marion Miller and Leo Schelbert
PhDs Awarded 1985
Milan Andrejevich, “The Cultural Evolution of Bosnia-Hercegovina Conflict and Development during Kallay Era, 1882–1903”
Dissertation Adviser: Edward Thaden
Thomas C. Hendrix, “‘The Love of Liberty’: A Study of the Religious Factor in the 19th Century Settlement of Afro/Americans in Liberia”
Dissertation Adviser: I. Sundiata
Mark A. Lause, “Some Degree of Power: From Hired Hand to Union Craftsman in Preindustrial American Printing Trades, 1778-1815”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Remini
Joseph Takougang, “Victoria: An African Township Under British Administration, 1916-1961”
Dissertation Adviser: I. Sundiata
PhDs Awarded 1984
Christian D. Nokkentved, “Danes, Denmark and Racine 1837-1924: A Study of Danish and Overseas Migration”
Dissertation Advisers: Marion Miller and Leo Scelbert
Gwendolyn Robinson, “Class, Race, and Gender: A Transcultural Theoretical and Sociohistorical Analysis of Cosmetic Institutions and Practices to 1920”
Dissertation Adviser: Peter Jones
PhDs Awarded 1983
Donald H. Parkerson, “The People of Mid-Nineteenth Century New York: Family, Community, and Migration”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard Jensen
N. Sue Weiler, “The Aged, the Family and the Problems of a Maturing Industrial Society: New York, 1900-1930”
Dissertation Adviser: Daniel Scott Smith
PhDs Awarded 1982
Stanley Gallas, “Lord Lyons and the Civil War, 1859-1864: A British Perspective”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard Millman
Kurt E. Leichtle, “Edward Coles: An Agrarian on the Frontier”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Remini
PhDs Awarded 1981
Frances M. Feinerman, “Population and Prosperity: Messance and Expilly Challenge the Physiocrats, 1757-1770”
Dissertation Adviser: David Jordan
William R. Biles, “Mayor Edward J. Kelly of Chicago: Big City Boss in Depression and War”
Dissertation Adviser: Melvin Holli
Mansour Hasan Mansour, “The Spread and the Domination of the Maliki School of Law in North and West Africa, Eighth-Fourteenth Century”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Hess
Aderemi Samuel Olumuyiwa Fatoke, “British Colonial Administration of Somaliland Protectorate, 1920-1960”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Hess
Dominic C. Pacyga, “Villages of Packinghouses and Steel Mills: The Polish Worker on Chicago’s South Side, 1880 to 1921”
Dissertation Adviser: Leo Schelbert
Elizabeth A. Payne-Moore, “‘Life and Labor’: Margaret Drier Robins and the Women’s Trade Union League”
Dissertation Adviser: Burton Bledstein
Leslie Vincent Tischauser, “The Burden of Ethnicity: The German Question in Chicago, 1914-1941”
Dissertation Adviser: Melvin Holli
Michael R. Trochim, “Retreat from Reform: The Fall of the Brazilian Empire, 1888-1889”
Dissertation Adviser: Bruce Calder
PhDs Awarded 1980
Norman R. Eder, “National Health Insurance, Social Politics and Medical Practices in Britain, 1913-1939”
Dissertation Adviser: Bentley Gilbert
Barbara Kehoe, “The British Press and Nazi Germany”
Dissertation Adviser: Bentley Gilbert
Peter J. O’Malley, “Mayor Martin H. Kennelly of Chicago: A Political Biography”
Dissertation Adviser: Melvin Holli
Jacqueline Peterson, “The People in Between: Indian-White Marriage and the Genesis of a Metis Society and Culture in the Great Lakes Region, 1680-1830”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Remini
Michael R. Ralston, “Men in the Middle: Republican Politics in Lorraine During the Third French Republic, 1870-1914”
Dissertation Adviser: William Hoisington
PhDs Awarded 1979
Hugo P. Learning, “Hidden Americans Maroons of Virginia and the Carolinas”
Dissertation Adviser: Leo Schelbert
Barbara Clinchy-Sciacchitano, “The Exile World of Alexander Herzen: A View of Russia and the West”
Dissertation Adviser: Ed Thaden
Deborah G. White, “Ain’t I A Women? Female Slaves in the Antebellum South”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Remini
PhDs Awarded 1978
Kristen E. A. Borg, “Princess Lieven: A New Interpretation of Her Role and Image”
Dissertation Adviser: Stanley Mellon
Stephen L. Hansen, “Principles, Politics, and Personalities: Voter and Party Identification in Illinois: 1850 to 1876”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Remini
Arnold R. Hirsch, “Making the Second Ghetto: Race and Housing in Chicago, 1940-1960”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Remini
Judith-Rae Ross, “Anglo-French Encounters: Images of the English Civil War in France, 1789-1848”
Dissertation Adviser: Stanley Mellon
PhDs Awarded 1977
Rosemary Skinner-Keller, “Abigail Adams and the American Revolution: A Personal History”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Remini
Christine McHugh, “Edward Bellamy and the Populists: The Agrarian Response to Utopia, 1888-1898”
Dissertation Adviser: Burton Bledstein
Doris Racich, “Planning and Politics: British Reactions to the Economic Depression of the Interwar Years”
Dissertation Adviser: Bentley Gilbert
PhDs Awarded 1976
Paul F. Barrett, “Mass Transit, the Automobile, and Public Policy in Chicago, 1900-1930, Vols. I and II”
Dissertation Adviser: Melvin Holli
Charles J. Balesi, “From Adversary to Comrade-In-Arms: West Africans and the French military 1885-1919”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Hess
Louise Año Nuevo Kerr, “The Chicano Experience in Chicago: 1920-1970”
Dissertation Advisers: Peter d’A Jones and Richard Jensen
Barbara Kuhn-Campbell, “Prominent women in the Progressive Era: A Study of Life Histories”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Remini
Barbara L. Farr, “The Development and Impact of Right-Wing Politics in Great Britain 1903-1932”
Dissertation Adviser: Bentley Gilbert
Richard D. Holbrook, “Baron D’Oppede and Cardinal Mazarin: The Politics of Provence from 1641 to 1660”
Dissertation Adviser: J. Wolf
PhDs Awarded 1975
Hasia R. Diner, “In the Almost Promised Land: Jewish Leaders and Blacks, 1915-1935”
Dissertation Adviser: Leo Schelbert
Blanche G. Hersh, “‘The Slavery of Sex’ Feminist-Abolitionists in Nineteenth-Century America”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Remini
Alberto Sbacchi, “Italian Colonialism in Ethiopia, 1936-1940”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Hess
Ghada Hoshem, “Egypt’s Civilizing Mission: Khedive Isma’il’s Red Sea Province, 1865-1885”
Dissertation Adviser: Robert Hess
Zdenko Zlatar, “The Anti-Turkish Opposition in Seventeenth-Century Ragusa and Its Prohabsburg Policy in the Morean War, Vols. I and II”
Dissertation Adviser: George Huppert
PhDs Awarded 1973
Thomas R. Bullard, “From Businessman to Congressman, the Careers of Martin B. Madden”
Dissertation Adviser: Melvin Holli
R. David Cudaback, “Victor DeBroglie and the French Constitutional Monarchy–A Liberal Peer and Diplomatic Under Louis-Philippe”
Dissertation Adviser: J. Wolf
Mark W. Friedberger, “Cornbelt and River City: Social Change in a Midwest Community, 1885-1930”
Dissertation Adviser: Richard Jensen
Dennis H.O’Brien, “Louis XIV’s Diplomatic Corps, 1648-1671”
Dissertation Adviser: J. Wolf
PhDs Awarded 1972
Richard B. Bingham, “Louis XIV and the War for Peace: The Genesis of a Peace Offensive 1686-1690, Vols. I and II”
Dissertation Adviser: J. Wolf