To Major or Minor

History Major Requirements Heading link

The History Major consists of 33 hours of History courses, distributed as follows:
According to Level:
100-level courses 3-12 hours
200-level courses 9-15 hours
300-level courses* 3-6 hours
400-level courses** minimum of 9 hours

* History 300 fulfills the writing in the discipline requirement and is mandatory for all History majors.
** History 440 fulfills the Senior paper requirement and is mandatory for all History majors.

Field specific requirements Heading link

African, Asian, Middle Eastern, or Latin American: a minimum of 6 semester hours

European: a minimum of 6 semester hours in ancient, medieval, or modern European history

United States: a minimum of 6 semester hours

History Majors, in consultation with the Director of Undergraduate Studies, shall define a field of concentration consisting of at least 12 credit hours (4 courses) beyond the 100-level.

Minor Requirements Heading link

15 semester hours, with no more than 6 hours at the 100-level.